Google Ads automation
Google Search ads automation for Travel
Google Performance Max automation
Amazon PPC automation
Google Hotel Ads integration
Google Hotel Ads automation
Google Vacation Rentals integration
Metasearch platform integration
Google Customer Match integration
Travel partner integrations
Feed management
Marketing Calendar
AI-driven feed
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All you need to know about Performance Max
All you need to know about Google Hotel Ads
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Google Hotel Ads
Google Performance Max
Google Search
Google Shopping
Microsoft Advertising
Profit On Ad Spend (POAS)
Discover the future of Travel advertising with Google and Adchieve!
Are you ready to explore the latest trends and insights in the travel advertising industry? Join our exclusive webinar for the latest developments and strategic insights.
Google Hotel Ads & Performance Max for travel goals
We will tell you in this live webinar everything about the latest update for Google Hotel Ads & Performance Max for travel goals. Sign up now and be prepared for the coming updates.
Google Hotel Ads White paper
With Google Hotel Ads you avoid the high commissions you pay to other metasearch platforms. In addition, the channel offers many more interesting advantages. You will read it in this white paper.
Performance Max white paper
Performance Max can help you increase conversions across all Google's advertising channels. It's literally one single campaign to rule them all. Read all about it in this white paper.
Performance Max for Travel white paper
In this white paper, you will read what exactly this campaign type brings to companies in the travel industry, but we will also give you concrete advice.
Performance Max optimization guide
With this guide, you will learn step-by-step how to set up and improve your Performance Max campaigns so that they successfully contribute to achieving your goals!
Microsoft Advertising white paper
This Maturity Model gives direction to your Microsoft Advertising account and helps you improve campaigns one step at a time to get the best out of Microsoft Advertising campaigns.
From ROAS to POAS guide
In this guide, we take you through the shortcomings and deceptions of ROAS, but more importantly, we offer you a much better alternative, which is to drive campaigns on profitability.
Performance Max webinar
In this webinar by Koen Vanderhoydonck (Google) en Alex van de Pol you learn all about Google's latest campaign type: Performance Max. This webinar is on demand available.
Google Hotel Ads webinar
What have we learned from COVID-19? What are trends in the hospitality and travel industry, and are they here to stay? Find out this Google Hotel Ads webinar. This webinar is on demand available.
Google Hotel Ads optimization guide
With this optimization guide you will learn how to optimize Google Hotel Ads: from basic adjustments to maximum optimization.
Hagakure structure webinar
In this on demand webinar Alex van de Pol will tell you everything about the Hagakure structure. How and why do you use this new Search Ads method?